Google Analytics Basics

Visits : Total no of visits to your site
Unique visitors : Over specified time period, un duplicated visits. So unique visitors will be less then visits. Normally its considered 30minutes
Page views: How many pages has being viewed, repeated views of single page are alos counted
Pages/Visits : Avg number of pages viewed. So more the page views avg will increase. For instance each viewer has viewed how many pages
Avg visit duration : Avg time of session.
Bounce rate : Its percentage of single page visits. Like how many people have left your site without interacting to second page.
An entry page with a low bounce rate means that the page effectively causes visitors to view more pages and continue on deeper into the web site.
According to article: "As a rule of thumb, a 50 percent bounce rate is average. If you surpass 60 percent, you should be concerned. If you're in excess of 80 percent, you've got a major problem.

"windows cannot format this drive.quit any disk utilities or other programs that are using the drive " You are not able to format your pen drive and getting this error.

While formating your pen drive if you are getting this error " "windows cannot format this drive.quit any disk utilities or other programs that are using the drive " then go to my computer, right click on that, click on manage.
Click on removable disc and press free.
Then again go to your pen drive and click on format. It should work fine.

How to increase your adperformance via google adwords

Ad position is determined by your Ad Rank in the auction.
Your Ad Rank is a score that's based on your bid and your Quality Score.
If you're using the cost-per-click bidding option, your bid is how much you're willing to pay for a single click on your ad.
Your Quality Score is a measurement of how relevant and useful your keyword, ad text, and landing page are to what a user is searching for.

To improve your ad position, you can increase your bid, or you can focus on improving your Quality Score.

Rank = bid * quality score
Quality score = descriptive ad + correct keywords + correct landing page

Write descriptive ads, use correct/relevant keywords and the landing page should be appropriate.

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